located in the hall gallery at 9 Vassar St starting 4/14-6/9.
He now lives in Poughkeepsie, New York with his wife and two sons.
His paintings reflect his interest in capturing light and shadow, and the juxtaposition between architecture and the natural world. Most of his recent work has been executed in oils on paper or board, a style of painting he got comfortable with while studying to be an illustrator. In recent years, however, Sean has shifted to working on canvas, which enables him to work on a larger scale. The work is based on photographs that he takes of subjects that interest him. He may be drawn to a subject for the simple reason that is its an intriguing building in a beautiful setting or for the shadows that fall on it at the time, or for the combination of shapes and textures in the scene. He uses the photographs as starting point but likes to simplify, edit and add elements that will make the image more compelling. Through his work, he aims to take the viewer with him to this particular time and place.